Smith bankbook title in C.M.Wible's handwriting
A Family History

Wible family oral history holds that the founder of the L. E. Smith Glass Co. in Mt. Pleasant, Pa. was my grandfather, Charles M. Wible, and this is a family history of him, my father Tim Wible, and my great uncles, as well as many other people whose contributions to the company should not be lost to history. Smith Glass was sold in bankruptcy in 2005. It is now subdivided and being used for various service businesses such as a martial arts school.

In February 2007, author Tom Felt published his book L.
E. Smith Glass: The First Hundred Years, by Tom FeltL. E. Smith Glass: The First Hundred Years. Mr. Felt also wrote L. E. Smith Encyclopedia of Glass Patterns & Products, and is the author of Heisey Glass Candlesticks, Candelabra and Lamps, two other books on Heisey published by the Heisey Collectors of America, and co-author of a three-volume series, Glass Candlesticks. He is a frequent contributor to the Glass Collectors Digest and other magazines and newsletters. We are most grateful to him for writing such a wonderful book, and were happy to assist him in his research.

We are also pleased to support the Mt. Pleasant Glass Museum with donations of a portrait of Shorty, a copy of Tom Felt's "L. E. Smith Glass: The First Hundred Years," a Lincoln Zephyr lens (photographed upside-down in the Felt book;-) and an original 16mm print of an early '60s promotional film.

We have recently found 2 webpages about Smith's history on Glen & Stephen Thistlewood's Carnival Glass website: