
They walk, two by two, up from the parking lot - parent & son, or parent & daughter, to mark an important milestone in the education of the child - taking the math SATs as eighth graders. The SATs (Standard Achievement Tests) are given at Montgomery Community College, half an hour's drive away from Souderton. It is optional, but many 8th graders take the test just to see if they can do it. It's a dry run, a practice for the real thing which comes 3 years later. With a good score, Hope will be accepted into the advanced math program she wants to take in high school.

They wait in the reception area waiting to be called in to the exam, which lasts 90 minutes. For many of us parents and grandparents, there is no sense in returning home. Some chat, some use the internet terminals in the waiting area; Mark has brought his laptop and a DVD and spends the time watching a movie. I read the instruction manual to my new camera.

Finally, Hope exits the auditorium, a smile on her face. She feels very good about the test, is sure she did well.