Turkey is a country rich in history, in beauty, in culture. We were there for the eclipse of Aug. 11, but along the way saw so much more. We stopped at the Anatolian sites of Troy, Aphrodesias, Ephesia, and Pergamon. We saw the tomb of Mevlana, a major Sufi mystic dating around 1200. In Istanbul we climbed down into the underground cistern, large enough for a row boat and supporting a school of blind fish; and visited Topkapi, the Blue Mosque and Hajia Sofia. In Capadoccia we visited an underground city and rock cut churches, and photographed the crystaline pools at Pamukkale.

Sites that are off the usual tourist path are featured here:

The pictures were taken from the 8mm video I shot druing the trip, captured on my Mac and stitched together and displayed using PMVR (Poor Man's Virtual Reality).