It was a dark, cold, lonely winter. (Actually, it was the sunniest, mildest winter in Pittsburgh history. But I like the sound of that -- dark, cold, lonely. So did John, Paul, George and Ringo.) For Helen, my friend in Alaska, it was darker, longer, colder.
To drum up some warmth, something interesting to talk about, I e-mailed her: "If I were to come to Alaska, where would you suggest I go?"
She responded immediately with a list of URLs for Alaskan destinations. And so our winter virtual vacation began, discussing place each in turn. At this point it was all theoretical, we couldn't afford the $1600 air fare.
And then she found it! An introductory fare at $700. Our pastime became real and we planned in earnest. The itinerary and time was defined by the air schedule, but it was all do-able.
Our travel agent was impressed when we came in with all the information prepared, and trimmed a little here and there. Yes, it was definitely do-able. We booked the trip.

Click here to see where we went and what we did!