Thursday, September 17, 2009

a step backwards ----

Everything had been going so well – I’ve been driving myself to the store, to most Dr. appointments, to church. We have made it a point to have at least one outing a week, and to include friends when we go.

And I have been feeling really good. The fall weather is glorious!

But Monday I began to cough again, and this is incessant, unproductive, bothersome. I sleep about an hour and then wake up coughing. Unless we can quell it, I will be barred from meetings and concert halls.

My lung doctor has prescribed a stronger inhalent and we hope that it will quell the cough. But it takes time to take effect.

I looked at a chart in his examination room, showing the evils of smoking. Of course, it included lung cancer. The illustration depicts the tumor thrusting itself into the bronchial tube. That is what my present “tickle” feels like.

And the PT scan should show if it is the lung cancer that has returned.

So here I am, in limbo, on the edge. I am otherwise feeling generally good, although tired from and of all that coughing. I have a scan next week and will see my oncologist then, and then we’ll know better where I’m at.


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