Saturday, August 1, 2009

July 26 - Back in the hospital

Drats!  DAMN!  Dagnabitt!

I am back in the hospital again. 

I really didn’t want this to happen.  

The canula of my night time oxygen system was irritating my nose, making it red, swollen and painful.  I noticed this on Friday.

I treated it with an antiseptic cream, but Saturday it was still there and had spread to the sinuses under my eyes.

I had a party to go to on Sat. night and decided to ignore the redness and puffiness until Sunday morning.

I went to a MedFirst place Sunday morning, saying, “I don’t know if this is serious or not” and they said, “Yes, serious” and “Promise me you’ll go directly to Jefferson.”

And Jefferson said, “Yes serious” and admitted me.

For the next 4 days I was trapped on the 4th floor, tethered on one side by an antibiotic drip and on the other  by an oxygen tube.  Watched a lot of TV and couldn't wait to go home. Released on Wed. afternoon, and everything including the cats, is back to normal.

Chemo resumes in another week.



  1. Get well Nana! Sending my loves and wishes from Brazil!
