Things are on track for the opening of Falls Church Distillers, but the timing needs to be adjusted. As reported before, Michael Paluzzi, the Principal of Falls Church Distillers, LLC (FCD), and LALO, Inc. have an agreement in principle whereby LALO will provide the art for the new operation, the first of its kind in rapidly growing Fairfax County, Virginia. Also as reported earlier, Paluzzi is planning both online sales and a sales counter on the premises. The facility will be in the historic Tinner Hill section of the City of Falls Church. Tinner Hill was the location of the […]
Thanks to the addition of Alford “AD” Carter to the Lalo Advisory Group and an informal working relationship with Home Repair Central of Front Royal, Lalo will have a new artwork and work station in downtown Front Royal on North Royal Avenue. AD Carter, who is principal of the well-regarded home repair service center, is no stranger to Art. His late brother, Big Al Carter, was a very well-known and highly regarded artist. Big Al’s works have been shown in museums and galleries throughout the United States, as well as in many private fine art collections. He is written up […]
While all of the past Lalo Society events have been addressed only to Lalo Society members and good friends, Lalo had its first Open Reception and Party at the Art Gallery at the Warehouse in Luray, Virginia on Saturday, October 29, 2016 from 2PM to 5PM. Actual numbers were unavailable because nobody took attendance but estimates are between 50 and 60 people showed up. Many Lalo Society members with relatives, friends and munchies to share enjoyed the beautiful, warm Virginia Fall afternoon. Great musical accompaniment was supplied by Lalo member Keith Traylor and the Eva Weber Trio. Kudos also for […]
“Integrity in the Workplace” is the title of a program being presented on Saturday morning, November 12, 2016, from 9:00AM to 1:00PM, at the Byrd Business School of Shenandoah University. The event came about through the good efforts and ideas of Dr. Richard Anson and his wife Barbara, who are the principles of Ezekiel’s Place/Peace and Justice Academy of Shenandoah Crossing, West Virginia. Charles Lickson, President and co-founder of Lalo, Inc., is a featured speaker in the program. Dean Miles Davis of the SU Business School cannot attend due to his travel schedule, but will be well represented by Associate […]