Thanks to the generosity of Lalo Director Dr. Mark Appleton and his wife Lorrie, Lalo has scheduled a “Pop-Up” art show at the Appleton residence in Fairfax on July 16, 2016 from 3PM to 6PM. Headed by Lalo Vice President of Operations (and member artist) Walter Mabe, the July 16 event is titled “A Study in Contrasts”. It will feature member artists Laurie Nelson and Deb Schneider. Both of these accomplished artists have different styles. Also on display will be works by other Lalo artists including Walter Mabe himself, Clive Turner, Karen Weinberg, D.J. Werley and others. Music for the […]
Lalo continues its commitment to bringing art to the people with an Art Show, scheduled for Sunnyside near Harrisonburg, Virginia, starting July 16 and running through early August. As with the Loving Arms show, the exhibition of artworks by Lalo artists begins with a reception scheduled for the Main Building on July 19, 2016 from 3PM to […]
Gary Gillespie Israel stopped by the Lickson residence today on his trip back to New York City after a trip that took him many days in his own quest of his famous mother’s art. The late Dorothy Gillespie was one of the outstanding female artists of hers or any era. Her son Gary has been all over the United States with his mother’s art always his central focus. On this trip, he visited many places in Virginia where Dorothy’s art may be found. He also has been to North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, Alabama and California on his travels – […]
For the late Spring social for members of the Lalo Society, called the Spring Soiree, the Parish Hall of Calvary Episcopal Church in Front Royal was transformed into a true art venue on Saturday evening June 11, 2016. The hard work of many went into the successful event which was about double the size of the turn-out for the first Lalo Member event last November. Jenn Nicholson, now Vice President of Special Events, in addition to her role as Director and Acting Secretary, was the point person for last Saturday. She got all Lalo managers and directors involved and was […]