The longest running Art Show by Lalo artists is now on view at Loving Arms, an assisted living facility in Warren County, Virginia. Approximately 40 pieces of art, mostly paintings, but also a few photographs will be on view at this retirement community through the July 4th Holiday. Except for the Galleries in Front Royal at JENNerations Hair Studio and in Luray, Virginia at the Gallery at the Warehouse, the Art Show at Loving Arms is the longest running external (outside of Lalo) exhibition of Lalo Artists. A reception was held during the evening of June 15, 2016, (Family Night) […]
An art show was mounted for residents and visitors at Hidden Springs Assisted Living Center in Warren County, Virginia over the Mothers’ Day weekend. Thanks to Walter Mabe, Lalo Vice-President Operations, and his wife Taffy, a member of the Lalo Advisory Group, the art show brought great joy to all who viewed it. “We are pleased to be able to place some of our extensive collection of art for people to see,” said Walter. “We even made a sale,” he added. “But we never do it for the money.” Lalo Society Member Artists enjoy having their artwork seen. The Hidden […]
The world’s most prominent magazine devoted to architecture, design and the arts is Architectural Digest. The June, 2016 issue, now on newsstands and circulated throughout the globe, has published a letter written by Lalo President Charles “Chips” Lickson. Appearing on Page 34, the letter is repeated below in its entirety for those who don’t get the Digest in magazine or electronic format: Dear Editor: Not only is it a pleasure to see the work of interior designers and architects, in every issue of Architectural Digest but the pieces of art that appear are also a highlight Your dedication to the […]
An art show was presented to residents and visitors at Hidden Springs Assisted Living Center in Warren County, Virginia, over the Mothers’ Day weekend. Thanks to Walter Mabe, Lalo Vice-President Operations, and his wife Taffy, a member of the Lalo Advisory Group, the art show brought great pleasure to all who viewed it. “We are pleased to be able to share some of our extensive collection of art for people to see,” said Walter. “We even sold a piece,” he added. “But we never do it for the money.” Lalo Society Member Artists enjoy having their artwork seen. The Hidden […]