At a recent meeting of the Board of Directors of Lalo, Inc. new members were added and some former Board members were thanked for their service. The Board welcomed Pam Nicholson and Karen Weinberg to the Board. Resignations have been accepted from both Tom Wible and Dr. Mark Appleton. They were thanked for their service on the Board as Lalo underwent some of its earliest days.
The Board of Directors of Lalo, Inc. has announced that the Spring Reception, with art, food and music, will be held on Saturday afternoon, June 3, 2017, in Weber Hall at Calvary Episcopal Church in Front Royal. All members and supporters of the mission of Lalo to Let Art Live On™ will be invited.
“We wanted to announce the date early so our members and supporters could save the date and plan to attend,” said Charles “Chips” Lickson, Lalo President. “We’ve been at this facility before and Weber Hall is a great venue for us,” he added.
While early planning will get under way soon, Lalo Vice President for Special Events Jennifer Nicholson promised “an even greater event this Spring than last year’s party – which was memorable.” Jenn is expected to invite other members to be on this Spring’s event committee.
Details here.
On Saturday evening, April 29, 2017, Samuels Public Library in Front Royal, Virginia, will again hold its Annual Fundraiser – and Lalo will be there. Under the direction of Lalo Director and Vice President of Special Events Jennifer Nicholson, Lalo will again be part of the fun and action based upon “Around the World in 80 Days”. Please mark the date on your calendars for this amazing evening of food, books and, thanks to Lalo, good art.
And Lalo can be justly proud that it won last year for Best Costumes. According to Jen, “We anticipate an even more colorful table and art this year.”
Just in time for Christmas, 2016, a major art exhibition and sale opened at the Blue Wing Frog on Chester Street in Front Royal. “The food is wonderful,” “all natural,” “locally sourced products” are some of the comments from Lalo people and customers at the Blue Wing Frog.
The theme is “SPRING’S BLOSSOMS,” presenting the best art in all categories.There will be an opening reception at the Warehouse Art Gallery in Luray, and the show will run from April 15 through June 3, 2017.
Read the details here.
Things are on track for the opening of Falls Church Distillers, but the timing needs to be adjusted. As reported before, Michael Paluzzi, the Principal of Falls Church Distillers, LLC (FCD), and LALO, Inc. have an agreement in principle whereby LALO will provide the art for the new operation, the first of its kind in rapidly growing Fairfax County, Virginia.
Continue reading Falls Church Distillers Opening Delayed→
Thanks to the addition of Alford “AD” Carter to the Lalo Advisory Group and an informal working relationship with Home Repair Central of Front Royal, Lalo will have a new artwork and work station in downtown Front Royal on North Royal Avenue. Continue reading Front Royal Office Expands→
While all of the past Lalo Society events have been addressed only to Lalo Society members and good friends, Lalo had its first Open Reception and Party at the Art Gallery at the Warehouse in Luray, Virginia on Saturday, October 29, 2016 from 2PM to 5PM.
Actual numbers were unavailable because nobody took attendance but estimates are between 50 and 60 people showed up. Many Lalo Society members with relatives, friends and munchies to share enjoyed the beautiful, warm Virginia Fall afternoon. Great musical accompaniment was supplied by Lalo member Keith Traylor and the Eva Weber Trio.
Continue reading Luray Reception And Show Draws Great Group→
“Integrity in the Workplace” is the title of a program being presented on Saturday morning, November 12, 2016, from 9:00AM to 1:00PM, at the Byrd Business School of Shenandoah University. The event came about through the good efforts and ideas of Dr. Richard Anson and his wife Barbara, who are the principles of Ezekiel’s Place/Peace and Justice Academy of Shenandoah Crossing, West Virginia.
Continue reading Shenandoah University’s Ethics Event To Feature LALO→
“IT WAS A VERY POWERFUL EVENT AND ONE THAT SHOULD BE REPLICATED OFTEN” was the comment most heard at the Race Relations Dialogue held the evening of October 10, 2016, at the Byrd Center of Shepherd University in Shepherdstown, WV. The audience for the program, numbering over 100 people, included members of the regional community (from West Virginia, Maryland, Virginia and DC), local officials, activists and the folks from law enforcement.
Continue reading Lalo Art At Shepherd University Event→
We will have a Party, Reception and Art Event on October 29, 2017 from 2-5PM. Several Lalo Artists’ works will be on display on that day and through December, 2016. The reception and show will be held at The Warehouse Art Gallery (WAG) as well as online.
The show is open to the public and to all Lalo Society member artists whose work is juried in. Artworks expected will include many interpretations and portrayals, from the traditional to the abstract. New pieces including paintings, pastels, sculpture and photographs will be shown.
Everyone agrees that the address that NAACP President and CEO Rev. Cornell William Brooks gave to approximately 200 people gathered to hear him and his views on the progress and challenges facing Americans in the future was significant. Brooks was introduced by his wife Janice in most eloquent fashion. The news is full of clashes between police and demonstrators that have risen again in several American cities, and Brooks’ remarks could be a peacemaker in these troubled times. Continue reading Lalo Directors And Advisory Member Hear And Meet NAACP President→