The longest running Art Show by Lalo artists is now on view at Loving Arms, an assisted living facility in Warren County, Virginia. Approximately 40 pieces of art, mostly paintings, but also a few photographs will be on view at this retirement community through the July 4th Holiday. Except for the Galleries in Front Royal at JENNerations Hair Studio and in Luray, Virginia at the Gallery at the Warehouse, the Art Show at Loving Arms is the longest running external (outside of Lalo) exhibition of Lalo Artists. A reception was held during the evening of June 15, 2016, (Family Night) at Loving Arms. Continue reading ART SHOW AND RECEPTION AT LOVING ARMS


CAM00552 CAM00553 CAM00554 CAM00555 An art show was mounted for residents and visitors at Hidden Springs Assisted Living Center in Warren County, Virginia over the Mothers’ Day weekend. Thanks to Walter Mabe, Lalo Vice-President Operations, and his wife Taffy, a member of the Lalo Advisory Group, the art show brought great joy to all who viewed it. “We are pleased to be able to place some of our extensive collection of art for people to see,” said Walter. “We even made a sale,” he added. “But we never do it for the money.” Lalo Society Member Artists enjoy having their artwork seen. The Hidden Springs show included original art, prints and photographs. “We appreciate the opportunity to have our artists’ work “Live On” through our proprietary online tracking process,” said Walter. Upcoming Art Shows and receptions are scheduled at Loving Arms, also in Warren County, and Sunnyside in Harrisonburg, Virginia. “Art shows at independent living facilities allow for win-win possibilities,” said Lalo President Charles “Chips” Lickson. “We are delighted to place good art at these venues so the art can be seen and enjoyed by residents and guests and also create possibilities for sale of the work by member artists,” he added. Letting Art Live On (LALO) is a mission of the organization. “Artworks in independent living facilities fit right into this mission,” Walter added. (Photos of the Hidden Springs event by Walter Mabe. Permission is granted to publish)


The world’s most prominent magazine devoted to architecture, design and the arts is Architectural Digest. The June, 2016 issue, now on newsstands and circulated throughout the globe, has published a letter written by Lalo President Charles “Chips” Lickson. Appearing on Page 34, the letter is repeated below in its entirety for those who don’t get the Digest in magazine or electronic format: Continue reading ARCHITECTURAL DIGEST PUBLISHES LETTER FROM LALO PRESIDENT


CAM00552 An art show was presented to residents and visitors at Hidden Springs Assisted Living Center in Warren County, Virginia, over the Mothers’ Day weekend. Thanks to Walter Mabe, Lalo Vice-President Operations, and his wife Taffy, a member of the Lalo Advisory Group, the art show brought great pleasure to all who viewed it. CAM00553“We are pleased to be able to share some of our extensive collection of art for people to see,” said Walter. “We even sold a piece,” he added. “But we never do it for the money.” Lalo Society Member Artists enjoy having their artwork seen. The Hidden Springs show included original art, prints and photographs. “We appreciate the opportunity to have our artists’ work “Live On” through our proprietary online tracking process,” said Walter.CAM00554 Upcoming art shows and receptions are scheduled at Loving Arms, also in Warren County, and at Sunnyside in Harrisonburg, Virginia. “CAM00555Art shows at independent living facilities allow for win-win possibilities,” said Lalo President Charles “Chips” Lickson. “We are delighted to place good art at these venues so the art can be seen and enjoyed by residents and guests and also create possibilities for sale of the work by member artists,” he added. Letting Art Live On (LALO) is a mission of the organization. “Artworks in independent living facilities fit right into this mission,” Walter added. (Photos of the Hidden Springs event by Walter Mabe. Permission is granted to publish)


The Lalo team created a prize winning table display for the Samuels Public Library annual fund raiser – this year’s motif, “A Taste of Mysteries”. Hundreds of people from Front Royal, the Washington D.C. metro area and surrounding regions learned about “Letting Art Live On” at the Saturday evening program on April 16, 2016. Organizations which participated this year picked mystery books and based their display on that theme. Lalo selected Agatha Christie’s Murder on the Orient Express as the book featured and provided a delicious group of desserts prepared by Lalo Society members. And Lalo added a collector’s model train (Thanks to Bruce Benzie) and many pieces of art including paintings done by Lalo artists Walter Mabe, Roxolana Armstrong, Deb Schneider, Bryane Lickson, Johanna Elik, Barbara Jennings, Charles Lickson and D.J. Werley. Lalo is a relatively new organization in support of the arts, artists and collectors. It launched operations in Front Royal and Luray as 2015 ended. The brainchild of long time Front Royal native Bryane Miller Lickson, herself an artist of national repute, Lalo, Inc. is the corporate anagram for “Let Art Live On”. The Company operates both an online gallery, “Studio Bee Gallery,” and physical galleries in both Front Royal and Luray.” Many artists and collectors want their art (created by them or collected by them or their family) to Live On, so the Lalo galleries, online or in-person, represent work by area artists and others. “We were delighted to participate in the Samuels Library fund-raising, not only was it a fun evening, but we also had a chance to show some artworks by Lalo artists, to eat well and to dress up as we provided desserts at our table”, said Bryane. “As an added bonus to the evening, we garnered the prize for “Best Costumes”, she added. Many people did not know that an online and national art support company existed in Front Royal. “The Library event helped us get out the word on letting art live on”, said Lalo President Charles “Chips” Lickson, cofounder and husband of Bryane. “Please visit our galleries online or at our physical locations in both Front Royal and Luray”, encouraged the Licksons. “It doesn’t cost anything to look and maybe you’ll fall in love with a wonderful piece of art – and, in turn, support the good work of our artists,” they added. Walter Mabe, Lalo Vice-President of Operations and a member artist, reminded people that Lalo, Inc. provides an opportunity to join the Lalo Society and support the mission of the new organization as well as have fun being with fellow artists, art lovers and supporters. Information about membership in the Lalo Society can be found on here, by emailing Walter Mabe or Charles Lickson, or by calling him at: 540-636-2515. (Photos of the Lalo Table at the Samuels Library event by Walter Mabe. Permission is granted to publish)


A great group assembled Saturday evening, April 9, 2016, between 4 and 6PM at the Front Royal Studio Bee Gallery in the JENNerations Hair Studio for the first open Art Reception to be held by LALO. Transformed to an art gallery, the Hair Studio had much room for Art and Food. “It was a very nice evening and I wish to express my appreciation to Jennifer Nicholson, a member of the Lalo Board, for making her business venue a wonderful, centralized location for our first “public” reception,” said Bryane Lickson, Founder and Chair of Lalo. Among the artists who gathered for the event were Walter Mabe, the evening’s featured artist; Deb Schneider; Donna Werley; Reed Armstrong; Heather Payne; and Bryane and Chips Lickson. Also attending were a number of collectors and people who wanted to learn about the organization. “It is gatherings like this, that Let Art Live On”, said Charles “Chips” Lickson, Lalo Co-Founder and President. “I look forward to many evenings like this in the future”, he added. In addition to his art being featured at the Reception, Walter Mabe, Vice President – Operations for Lalo, was the chief photographer. His photos of the event can be found here.


the artist @ work
the artist @ work
A new organization in support of the arts, artists and collectors launched operations in Front Royal and Luray as 2015 ended. The brainchild of long time Front Royal native Bryane Miller Lickson, herself an artist of national repute, LALO, Inc. is the corporate anagram for “Let Art Live On.” Bryane Miller Lickson and her husband, Charles “Chips” Lickson, are the Founders of LALO, Inc., headquartered in Front Royal, Virginia. “We wanted to be certain that our artworks, original paintings, drawings and sculptures, would not end up in storage, someone’s attic or the trash pile,” said Mrs. Lickson, Chairperson of the new Company’s Board of Directors. Charles Lickson added, “People can see our art and those of outstanding artists because the Company operates both an online gallery, called “Studio Bee Gallery,” on our website and physical galleries in both Front Royal and in Luray.” The Front Royal gallery is located inside JENNerations Hair Studio near Martins Store in the Royal Plaza Shopping Center. Jennifer Nicholson, principal of JENNerations, is also one of the Founding Directors of the Company. A large wall in the waiting area of the Hair Studio is the first location of Studio Bee Gallery in the Town of Front Royal. There are more than 16 original paintings, pastels and drawings are on display there, representing the work of area artists and others. In Luray, the Studio Bee Gallery is located in the Expressions Room of the Warehouse Art Gallery, a very large facility operated by artist and sculptor Jim Mayes. The Warehouse Art Gallery is on the Artisans Tour of Virginia and contains almost 10,000 square feet of display space. In that gallery, one can see artworks by not only Lalo artists but also artists from all over the Eastern U.S. “Please visit our galleries online or at our physical locations in both Front Royal and Luray”, encouraged the Licksons. “It doesn’t cost anything to look, and maybe you’ll fall in love with a wonderful piece of art – and, in turn, support the good work of an area artist,” they added. LALO, Inc. also provides an opportunity to join the Lalo Society and support the mission of the new organization, as well as have fun being with fellow artists, art lovers and supporters. Information about membership in the LALO Society can be found on the firm’s website, by emailing Charles Lickson, or by calling him at 540-636-2515.